About NAACP Treasure Valley
Locally, the Treasure Valley Branch was originally established 85 years ago to follow through on the promise of equal rights for all minority communities in Idaho. The branch was reformed in 1965 and has been actively fighting civil rights issues ever since. Today, our branch is proud to carry on the goals and objectives of the National Office for all citizens of Idaho.
All Idaho branches of the NAACP belong to the Tri-State Conference. The conference is comprised of Idaho, Nevada, and Utah. Tri-State is located in Regional I (the NAACP has seven regions that represent the United States, her territories, and several foreign locations). Each region reports to the National Office.
As a non-profit organization, all officers and executive committee members at the local and conference level, work on a volunteer basis to defend those who cannot defend themselves. Our primary purpose is to address civil rights complaints filed by everyday citizens. Each complaint is processed according to NAACP guidelines and procedures, click here to learn more.
Our work does not end there. Each year we plan a series of community outreach events as well as fundraising events. We can only be successful with the participation of our members and support from the greater community. It takes more than a great plan; it takes great people to see that plan through. If you are not already a member, join today.